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child labour

child labour
kids working

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why do kids work not adults?

Kids in child labor work for two main reasons ; the first reason is that they may work for money to help there parents get more money, in othere words they volentire. The second reason may be that they have been lied by the kidnappers ,that means that a person goes to the places where poverty affects alot that place and them they lie that they a great life and they steal them after that the parent don't bother buying them back because they say that the kids were used and not one of them ant more.   

Where does child labor happen?

Child constatly happens mostly in developing country where theres is a lot of traffiking. An example would be in africa where 25% of there country is in child labor  because it is an developing also 14% of the worlds kids are working under 18 years.60% of these kids are working in agriculture and 100million kids are working under 15 years old this is a very young age for them to worn throw hazardus work

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What kinds of child labor is there?

There is light child labor and dark child labor, there are four more tiny groups that make this dark labor, those groups are these; slavery,millatary,comercial sex or prostitution, hazorus work and traffinaking for other kids.These 215 million kids+teens work in bad conditions based on there station where they are placed by there master. Some kids don't like the fact where they are working and suffer but otheres are too sad to talk and complain, even sometimes like the place they are working in.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What does child labor mean?

Child labour or labor depends where you come from, means chldren that work for money, either owned and made to work by some one or are working to help there parents get more money when working.There were around 215 million kids working in the world in child labour in 2008.